The Move MeterWho Will Win? January 27, 2024

Who will win this week’s matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Baltimore Ravens?

Who will win this week’s matchup between the Kansas City Chiefs and the Baltimore Ravens? Cast your vote below and show off your team colors!

Then watch the game at 3PM ET on Sunday January 28 to see if your team prevails.

Thinking of moving to one of these cities, or somewhere else? Check out my Move Meter at and then call me at 915-588-1850 to put me to work for you.

Focus Friday January 26, 2024

It’s FOCUS FRIDAY on January 26, 2024

It’s FOCUS FRIDAY on January 26, 2024 and today’s message has one part to it.

​Your Focus Determines Your Finish!

​In his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Steven R. Covey, Phd., wrote that Highly Effective People begin with the end in mind. This is habit #2.

Highly Effective People, after taking the initiative to make things happen (Habit 1), know what they are working for. They have a vision of what they want their lives to look like and they focus on that vision.

​​So, ask yourself: “What is the vision for my life? Do I have a vision for my life?”

The Bible tells us in Proverbs 29:18 King James Version that “Where there is no vision, the people perish”.

So I ask you, are you perishing because you don’t have a vision for your future?

Or are you thriving because you are focused on your future?

Or maybe you are somewhere in between because you have lost your focus.

The honest answers to these questions will help you in both your personal and professional life.

Whatever your circumstances are, I am here to assist you in gaining and maintaining your focus.

If you want assistance in setting goals for yourself (creating a vision – Habit #2), practice Habit #1 and be proactive. Then call or text me for an appointment to go over your goals.

​If you don’t have any goals, we can set some together for you.

Thanks for watching, God Bless You, and Make it a Great Day!

Patrick Tuttle

“The Real Estate Guy”

Broker | Coldwell Banker Heritage Real Estate

5915 Silver Springs, Bldg 5 | El Paso, TX 79912

O -915-585-7777 | F – 915-613-1701


Throwback Thursday January 25, 2024

It’s Throwback Thursday – January 25, 2024!

It’s Throwback Thursday on January 25, 2024 and for today’s message we are going back to 1989.

In his book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”, Steven R. Covey, Phd., wrote that Highly Effective People are proactive. This is habit #1.

Proactive people take initiative and make things happen, while reactive people simply wait for things to happen to them.

​So, ask yourself: “Am I being proactive in running my real estate practice or am I waiting for things to happen?”

Am I proactively creating my daily to-do list the night before becuase tomorrow starts today.

Am I proactively going to the office where I am free from the distractions of laundry, straigtening things on the shelves, or entertainment. ​

Am I waiting for the phone to ring and tell me that there’s an opportunity waiting for me or am I picking up the phone, calling my SOI looking for opportinities to serve.

Am I proactively completing my Ninja 9 or Daily Success Habits to keep myself on track?

The honest answers to these questions will help you in both your personal and professional life.

So today, I challenge you today to look inside yourself and find the proactive person who makes things happen.

And if I can be of assistance to you in doing this, just reach out to me and I’ll be happy to assist you.

Patrick Tuttle

“The Real Estate Guy”

Broker | Coldwell Banker Heritage Real Estate

5915 Silver Springs, Bldg 5 | El Paso, TX 79912

O -915-585-7777 | F – 915-613-1701

Motivation Monday January 25, 2024

Motivation Monday – January 22, 2024

It’s Motivation Monday on January 22, 2024 and today’s message has three parts to it. 

First, I’m going to update you on the upcoming events for this week and looking into next week at Coldwell Banker Heritage. 

Second, I’ll tell you the things I am doing to keep in touch with my sphere of influence this week, third, I’ll give you an inspirational message to keep you on track today and the rest of this week. And finally, I’m going to tell you a really bad joke…

So here we go on the updates:

  1. We have Transformation Tuesday tomorrow
  2. We also need your RSVP for our Awards luncheon no later than 4PM on Tuesday January 30. We need to know two things: 1. Are you coming and 2, what would you like for your meal. We have a great speaker lined up to speak to us, we’ll have door prizes, and of course awards. 
  3. On Wednesday we have a 4 hour TREC Legal 1 MCE class.  
  4. I’ll have Throwback Thursday and Focus Friday messages for you later in the week. 
  5. And now, looking into next week, 
    1. you’ll want to make sure to clear your calendar for our Awards Luncheon and another Continuing education class as well. We have been invited to The Vault at Lone Star Title for another 1 hour CE class titled Leveraging Artificial Intelligence as a Real Estate Agent so mark your calendars for 11 AM on Thursday February 8 for that class. 
  6. Finally, what am I doing to keep in touch with my Sphere of Influence?
    1. This is week four so we have the Service for Life Newsletter going out in the middle of the week so that it can be delivered on Friday or Saturday depending on the mail service. 
    2. We are gathering the statistics for the Market update that we will be recording next week.  

And if I can be of assistance to you in doing this, just reach out to me and I’ll be happy to assist you. 

And now, thanks for watching, God Bless You, and Make it a Great Day!